
作者: 玛丽亚Sommerhalder
发表日期: 2023年3月14日

区块链技术经常被吹捧为世界商业方式的潜在革命. 通过提供安全的, 分布式分类帐, it has the potential to provide unparalleled transparency and trust between parties. The technology is still in its early stages of development and adoption, but with a few large-scale applications being deployed today, 这场革命正在慢慢变成现实. 当这种情况发生时, 标准化和审计将在减轻组织在实现这种新兴技术时可能面临的风险方面发挥关键作用.


目前, there are several use cases in which blockchain solves real-world problems, 比如追踪供应链, managing financial transactions and verifying identity, 例如:

  • 欧洲投资银行(EIB)通过私人区块链处理了首个以欧元计价的数字债券的发行. The €100 million bond with a maturity of 2 years was issued, 在高盛代币化平台上使用私有区块链技术进行预订和结算.1
  • 航运巨头马士基为全球航运业开发并实施了一个名为TradeLens的数字平台. It was designed to increase the efficiency and transparency of global trade. It went live in August 2019 and was used by more than 80 leading shipping organizations, ports and customs authorities around the world (though it is no longer offered today). The platform used blockchain technology to securely store and share data, giving all stakeholders real-time visibility of cargo shipments.2
  • Ripple通过为金融机构提供实时全额结算系统和货币兑换,利用技术促进更快、更便宜的国际支付.3
  • Walmart is using blockchain to track the supply chain of its products. 它也在使用思域, an identity management platform that allows users to store, protect and share their personal data in a secure way.4
  • 在奢侈品行业, the French luxury goods conglomerate LVMH created the AURA blockchain consortium. 这是一个用于验证奢侈品真伪的平台,并跟踪它们从生产到销售的整个过程. It also allows customers to access detailed information about the product, 比如它的来源和使用的材料. 它被用于时尚和奢侈品行业, specifically by the LVMH group and its partner brands.5

除了, 许多组织正在探索如何使用区块链来安全地存储和传输数据,并创建更安全和高效的系统. 一些知名组织,如微软和IBM,已经开始提供区块链即服务(BaaS)平台,以促进其使用.6 这些跨行业的例子表明,有平台、用例和对技术的信任.


但仍, with this potential comes a unique set of challenges that remain unsolved, including regulation and migration (of legacy infrastructures), 技术标准化, 可靠性和信任.

首先也是最重要的, there is regulatory uncertainty in most jurisdictions, and the legal status of blockchain technology is still unclear, which could lead to constraints for enterprises wishing to deploy it. Even when these issues have been tackled and the real cost of compliance is known, 规划成本, 在基于区块链的基础设施上设计和实施流程仍然是一个抑制因素. 摆脱遗留系统是一项繁重的任务,需要大量的返工和资源.

从技术的角度来看, the main reason for slow adoption is the lack of 技术标准化. This means there is not just one method of implementing blockchain systems; therefore, to guarantee interoperability with other ecosystems, organizations must take extra care when launching a blockchain offering.

标准化 is crucial to the development and implementation of blockchain technology. 实现区块链的全部潜力, 通过单一协议将参与多个区块链的人联系起来是有益的. 这减少了用户的摩擦,因为他们可以在不改变网络的情况下访问不同的分散应用程序. 它不仅保证了通用的指导方针, 需求和定义, but could also enable compliance with relevant regulations and laws. 为此目的, 组织必须合作开发符合当前法规的标准. 在各个行业中,有大量的标准化工作可以帮助参与者遵循最佳实践并从过去的错误中学习.7

实现区块链的全部潜力, 通过单一协议将参与多个区块链的人联系起来是有益的.

Within the different digital assets ecosystems, standardization exists as well. 例如, 以太坊区块链的开发者, there are basic guidelines called Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC). 这些是开源文档,描述了基于以太坊的令牌必须遵守的规则, including enabling essential functions such as token creation, 支出或交易处理. 数字货币全球倡议(DGCI)已经着手为所有数字货币建立一个通用的分类框架. It classifies and differentiates currencies using attributes such as supply, 价值, 所有权, 协议及记录.8

Another important topic in the blockchain industry is the reliability of the platforms. There is rarely a day without any captured platforms or stolen tokens. To increase the reliability of a blockchain platform, audit is essential. 在区块链行业, 审计尤其重要,因为该技术涉及事务数据的安全性和完整性.

任何审计过程的第一步都是对技术进行全面的风险评估. This involves a detailed review of the technology, processes, and operations involved. An important aspect of audits in the blockchain industry are key ceremonies, 在哪里检查私钥的安全性. 其他需要审查的方面包括资产管理、合规流程和备份措施. One of the most critical aspects is a review of the security measures in place, 比如加密, 身份验证和访问控制. 然而, 审计区块链系统对许多审计员来说是一个挑战,因为他们对这项技术缺乏了解. 很难找到一个拥有专门部门的认证审计组织,这些部门具有审查相关控制的技能和可用性.


标准化的努力, which are central to interoperability and cross-protocol information exchange, 在区块链方面仍然相对不成熟,协调和接受程度有限. 此外, 区块链的互操作性需要超越基础设施层面,除了商业模式和法律框架等业务方面之外,还包括共识机制和身份验证等平台方面. By performing a comprehensive review of the technology, 区块链中涉及的流程和操作, 审计员可以保证区块链技术符合必要的标准,并可以提供有价值的见解和建议.


在接下来的5年里, 预计区块链技术将越来越多地被各行业的组织采用,9 including finance, healthcare, supply chain and the Internet of Things (IoT). Organizations can use blockchain to keep records of digital transactions, 创建数字货币和自动化流程. 除了, blockchain may be used to facilitate secure data sharing, provide enhanced data security and enable digital identity management.

短期内,区块链的主要优势将导致加密货币和支付用例的便利化, which continue to be attractive for clients in the financial services industry. 这是标准化最多产的行业,并将推动该技术的使用.

因为这种增长和普及, 标准化和审计是区块链技术开发和部署的重要组成部分. By implementing rigorous security protocols; developing standards for scalability, traceability and compliance; and regularly auditing their networks, organizations can ensure that their blockchain initiatives are secure, 可靠且符合法规. This is particularly important for banks and other regulated industries, 因为他们必须确保他们的区块链产品是安全的,并且符合监管标准.


1 西摩,年代.; “EIB Issues Its First Ever Digital Bond on a Public Blockchain,”欧洲投资银行,2021年4月28日
2 Kapnissis G.; G. Vaggelas; H. Leligou; A. Panos; M. Doumi; “Blockchain Adoption From the Shipping Industry: An Empirical Study,” 海运研究,卷. 2022年3月3日
3 Renduchintala T.; H. Alfauri; Z. Yang; R. Di Pietro; R. Jain; “Survey of Blockchain Applications in the FinTech Sector,” 开放创新杂志,卷. 8日,国际空间站. 2022年10月30日
4 沙玛,M.; P. Kumar; “Adoption of Blockchain Technology: A Case Study of Walmart,” Blockchain Technology and Applications for Digital Marketing2021年1月
5 路易威登,”LVMH与其他主要奢侈品公司合作推出首个全球奢侈品区块链Aura, 2021年4月20日
6 歌J.; P. Zhang; M. Alkubati; Y. Bao; G. Yu; “Research Advances on Blockchain-as-a-Service: Architectures, Applications and 挑战,” 数码通讯及网络,卷. 8日,国际空间站. 2022年8月4日
7 全球区块链商业理事会,”技术标准
8 国际电信联盟,”对数字货币的共同认识, 2022年2月18日
9 李维斯,D.; F. Fontana; “展望区块链技术的未来,” 《澳门赌场官方软件》,卷. 16日,国际空间站. 2021年11月11、17日


是否在Eraneos集团的技术驱动审计部门担任管理顾问和审计师. 她为组织和政府机构提供与数字资产相关的所有方面的建议. 作为一名经验丰富的IT审计员,专注于密钥生成仪式和私钥保管, she is the ideal point of contact for implementing a blockchain system. 她的四大背景使她能够识别风险和缓解策略,并全面概述为确保审计友好型设置所需涵盖的正式主题. She was the top key ceremony auditor in Switzerland, 率先开展项目,使各种客户能够进入涉及数字资产和区块链的未被发现的市场.